He left Sunday, Dec. 20th.
I picked myself up out of the driveway, and told the kids to get ready to go out, we are going for lunch.
I stayed out with them as long as I could, to come home to the empty house was an excruciating thought. But we did, eventually, and I survived it. For them.
I went to bed, but did not sleep. I curled around his pillow, breathing in his scent, trying to comprehend what had happened.
I sent him a text, "Doors are locked, kids are OK, wood stove stocked for the night." He replied, "Thanks."
Monday, I had to work. I don't remember much. He came to pick up the boys for scouts. I just hugged him and didn't say much to him. Tuesday, our daughter had a instrumental concert. He came, he sat with me and our son, and he gave me a twizzler. He had his ring on. Just a side note... I never saw him without his wedding band on.
Tuesday night, it was unusually warm. Our region is crazy. Below freezing one day, warm and barefoot the next. After the concert, my daughter and I sat on our porch with a lighted frosty the snowman, and just made small talk and joked around. I did everything I could to lighten the mood.
I also realized I had not shopped for the kids. What a mess I am.
Wednesday, I went shopping. I remember screaming in the truck till I was hoarse. How can I do this? How can I put this together for the kids? How can I shop for the very first time for my children without my husband? But I did. I was so lost. So fucking lost.
Thursday, Christmas eve. I needed to clean. I cleaned until my muscles hurt. We had to turn on the air conditioner, it was muggy and warm. What a strange Christmas eve... I wrapped the gifts, shopped for food. He texted me, "I have to stop by and drop off something for the kids, and what time do you want me to come over tomorrow." I told him not to come over that night, that he can come over Christmas. I didn't want to see him. I'm holding it together, and I don't want to lose it.
My daughter and I packed up the dog, he's big, and took him to the local dog-wash... a brilliant invention I must say, it sits next to the local car wash, and it's just so convenient! When her and I returned, he was at the house.
I came in, looked at him like he was crazy, and yet was secretly happy to see him. So happy to see him.
He spent some time with our daughter, and the boys. I pulled him into our room to talk, and he laid on the bed with his arm over his eyes. I asked him how he was. Small talk. At one point, he mumbled, "Is this where you rape me?" I had no intention, but at that point, I did ask..."Are you two seeing each other?" "No." he said. "I haven't spoken to her or seen her since you found out." I believed him. We started flirting a little, and he was grinning and actually laughing a little. He told me to text him later, to send him a picture.
He left, and I waited a bit. Sent him a text, and then sent him a picture that I knew he would like. We texted a while back and forth. He told me he would be coming over very early, before the kids woke up for Christmas morning. I knew what he meant.
And he did. I heard him around 5am.. he came up the stairs as quiet as can be, and came into our room and locked the door behind him.
Christmas day was nice. Weird, but nice. We did presents, we were sort of normal. But then he left again. It rained that day. I stood in the driveway, in the rain, watching him drive away. He didn't want to stay for dinner. I couldn't cook. I stumbled into the house, fell on the couch. I apologized to the kids, I was so sorry I couldn't seem to cook. What a loser I am. They were OK, we ate light, and stuck to each others side.
9pm rolls around, and I get a text from him. It says, "I don't know how you can out do the picture you sent last night." So, I did. I out-did it. But my heart was not in it, I was playing the game and trying to get him to come home. We had an interesting texting, facetime, phone conversation for a few hours... it ended with him telling me to make sure my bedroom door was unlocked for the next morning. He stopped by again, early. 5am. Came in, locked the door behind him.
He spent the rest of the day at the house. He worked on his work van, I cooked for him and brought it to him. He enjoyed every bite, told me that I was an amazing cook, and that was the best lunch he had ever had. He dropped little lines here and there, about the possibility of him coming home soon, he missed me, he missed the kids, he missed our animals. I didn't push. I just went on about my day. Around 3, he left again. We didn't text that night...not the way we had been. We did talk a little, but not much. Sunday found me looking at the Christmas tree and decorations around the house like they were my enemy. They needed to go.
I started struggling to get the tree out of the house. At the same time, I found myself bawling... I felt bad for the tree, I felt bad for our ruined holiday, I felt bad for my kids, I just felt bad. While crying and dragging the tree out, he called. He wanted to know if he could do laundry at the house. I said, "Doesn't your place have a washer and dryer?" "Yes" he said, "But I would like to eat lunch, watch the game while my clothes wash." At this time, I was in the backyard, with a phone in one hand, a tree in the other, and trying to stop crying. I can see the road from here, and I saw his van coming. I said, "It doesn't matter what I say, I see you're almost here anyway." He came in... I came in, crying. He knows I cry over the tree every year, and he gathered me up in his arms, smiling a little at my ridiculousness, and hugged me tight. Kissed me. Told me it will be alright.
He washed his clothes. I cooked lunch. We watched the football game. We made love all afternoon. He left again around 7. But everything was really starting to feel right. Like we were going to be OK.
Monday, he was coming over after work to get the boys for scouts. I made dinner, and texted him that I had dinner waiting if he wanted something before the meeting. He said he did. He came late though. Freshly showered, looking amazing. He ate real quick, gathered up the boys and left. He was distant. I didn't understand. But I didn't say anything. He came back after the meeting and asked if it was alright if he went up to see our daughter. I waited in the living room, he brought her down with him. He kept putting her around us, and would not be alone with me. He refused to look at me in the eye. I asked him what was going on, he said he didn't know what I was talking about. I followed him out when he went to leave, and tried to engage him, he pushed me away, and drove away.
What is going on?? We had just had three amazing days, with some intensely wild intimacy, there was a good connection going on, and now he's back to keeping me at arms length, and pushing me away. What the hell??
He left. I sat in the living room lost. Screw this... I picked up my keys and got in the truck. I called him. He wouldn't answer. I texted him, he didn't respond. It just said, delivered. He wasn't reading them. I called again. Nothing.
I start losing it... I think he might be with her. I go by her house. Lights are all off, no one looks home. I call him again. Nothing. I'm really losing it now... I feel used and stupid for the things I've done over the past three days, I feel lost and confused. I don't even know where I am at this point, I've taken turns that have gotten me a little lost. It's raining. I'm calling, I'm texting, nothing. I'm losing it.
I'm hyperventilating, I'm crying, I'm driving, I'm calling, I'm texting... none of this is smart. But I think I can't do this, I can't do this pain. Why is he doing this? How much more can I take? I drive past a tree... I think how easy it would be to accelerate into it. Would I survive? I don't want to. I just don't want to. I've failed at the marriage, I've failed my kids, I can't keep their family together, I don't know what the hell to do. I can't take the pain one second longer. The trees that are passing me start to look more inviting.
My kids, I think about them. I can't do this. As I start to get myself under control, I realize I could go by where he is staying. I go... his van is there, it looks like he is there. There are no other vehicles. I'm just losing it.
I go home, and lay in bed. I can't sleep. I can't sleep at all. I toss and turn all night, I'm so hurt, I'm destroyed, I'm pissed that I'm destroyed. I'm pissed that I am hurt. I'm pissed that I thought it would be easier to put my truck into a tree than to deal with what life is handing me. I'm pissed.
I know what I'm going to do. I have to take care of myself, and my kids.
They get up the next day, Tuesday, and I tell them they have 45 minutes to pack, we are leaving and going to go sit on a beach in Florida.
And that's what we do.
From discovery day, till today. The brutal journey of walking the path to healing after my husbands affair.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
The hardest thing I've ever had to face... December
I think I've been avoiding my blog because I know December is the next part to the story.
December will never be the same for me again. I read other blogs, and I know I will have years and years of flashbacks and triggers whenever the weather turns chilly, snow starts to fall, and the holidays become a focus.
It started out OK. I was having surgery on the 8th. I would be put under, and it was a three hour procedure.
In November, he texted me at work. He said, "Call your GYN. Get on the pill, and let her know what's going on with you." What was going on was that I was bleeding every month like a stuck pig. It was like helter skelter. So, I went, and turns out I had some large fibroids. She recommended that I have them removed, and then to burn the inside of my uterus. I asked if I could still get pregnant? She said, "Yes, so if you want, while I'm in there, I will do a tubal ligation." So, I agreed. That's better than the pill, and what the heck. Just get it all done.
So, the 8th rolls around, and in I go. He has to take me, but I can tell he does not want to be there. I'm scared the morning we go. He doesn't talk to me the whole way there. He sits next to me before I'm taken back, and he doesn't hug me, or tell me he loves me before I go. He held out his finger, and I was allowed to just touch the tip of it.
I type this now, and it angers me. What I didn't know that day, the day I went in for surgery, the day he seemed so freaking annoyed at me for needing to go, that I know NOW...was that it was HER birthday.
Recovery took about a week. I was in pain, and just kind of out of it. Around this time, it's our anniversary. Our 20th anniversary. He does not even wish me a happy anniversary. He looks sad, and says, "It would be hypocritical to wish you a happy anniversary, because I know it's not."
I went out to dinner with a friend. I was so sad. I had looked forward to the big 20 for a long time.
One weekend, 2 weeks before Christmas, we went Christmas tree shopping. This is a tradition that we have had for several years. It's fun, we all argue over the tree, the boys help him cut it, our daughter just looks cute, we drink hot chocolate, we just have a blast during this tradition of ours. But not this year.
This year...after the tree was chosen, we sat at the picnic tables. I was sad. But trying to smile on for the kids. He put his arm around me, and leaned his head against my shoulder. "I'm sorry" he said. We both knew that this was probably the last time we would do this as a family of 5.
It was so sad. The tree came home, and our daughter decorated it. She tried to hang on to some spirit for all of us.
But.... I need to put out there that I didn't know why. He just kept telling me that he was not happy, not in love, it was over for him. But he STILL kept taking me to bed. I couldn't buy his, "It's over." when we were connecting in the bedroom like never before. I would ask once in a while if they had spoken or seen each other and he SWORE that it had nothing to do with her, and they had not spoken since I found out in September.
December 18th. 2 days after our anniversary... I see a tweet from her and her sister. It says, "20 years is nothing, WE know where his heart is, especially when he sends pictures like this." And it was some stupid picture of a marquee that said, "Don't fall in love, fall off a bridge, it hurts less." He was at work when I saw the tweet. I texted him, he denied it was about them, or us, or had anything to do with him and I.
(I think this is gaslighting? When someone tries to convince you you're crazy, and makes you second guess every single thing you know to be true?)
That was a Friday. Saturday night, I was still trying to talk about it. He kept saying, "Not everything in the world is about you!" So, I picked up his phone, and said, "Then let me call her and we can straighten this out." He FLIPPED out. We ended up in a scuffle, and I ended up on the floor. He ended up with his phone back.
Sunday, December 20th, he leaves early in the morning to go pick up a Christmas gift for one of the kids. When he gets back, I was making breakfast. I asked him, "Are you hungry?" He said nothing.
He got in the shower. When he got out, he still said nothing. There was something wrong. I could feel it. He went upstairs to our room to get dressed.
When he came back down, he had laundry baskets packed full of his clothes, and was heading into the bathroom to get his toiletries. I was shocked. I felt this coming, but not before Christmas!
I cried, I howled, I tried to hang on to him. I was a mess. I was a mess, and I was pathetic. He had our oldest son hold me so he could leave. He put his things in his vehicle, and as he drove away, I collapsed. I had grabbed one of his pillows. and I just collapsed in the driveway. It was cold that day, very cold. I was still in my nightgown, and there I was, laying in the cold stones on the driveway, hugging that pillow that smelled like him.
I couldn't move. I couldn't even feel the cold. I was never going to get up. I wasn't even crying.. I just laid there. My son, he said, "Mom. Please get up. It's cold, I can't feel my feet." I couldn't even answer him. I couldn't move. He just left us, 5 days before Christmas. He. Just. Left.
My son started to cry. He said, "Mom, please please get up, your legs are bare, it's so cold, you're going to get hypothermia." I still couldn't move. It sounded like his voice was coming from far away. I remember wanting to move, but I just couldn't.
He leaned down next to me and told me he was going to get his sister, and that he didn't want her to see me like this, but he would do it.
That snapped me back a little. I remember looking at him, and working my way up. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Stand up, and walk back in the house. My legs didn't work right, and I didn't know what to do.
Shock? Was I in shock? I don't know.
I knew him leaving was coming, but I didn't believe it until he actually left.
He left. 5 days before Christmas... he left. He left me, he left his kids, he left our home.
What am I going to do?
December will never be the same for me again. I read other blogs, and I know I will have years and years of flashbacks and triggers whenever the weather turns chilly, snow starts to fall, and the holidays become a focus.
It started out OK. I was having surgery on the 8th. I would be put under, and it was a three hour procedure.
In November, he texted me at work. He said, "Call your GYN. Get on the pill, and let her know what's going on with you." What was going on was that I was bleeding every month like a stuck pig. It was like helter skelter. So, I went, and turns out I had some large fibroids. She recommended that I have them removed, and then to burn the inside of my uterus. I asked if I could still get pregnant? She said, "Yes, so if you want, while I'm in there, I will do a tubal ligation." So, I agreed. That's better than the pill, and what the heck. Just get it all done.
So, the 8th rolls around, and in I go. He has to take me, but I can tell he does not want to be there. I'm scared the morning we go. He doesn't talk to me the whole way there. He sits next to me before I'm taken back, and he doesn't hug me, or tell me he loves me before I go. He held out his finger, and I was allowed to just touch the tip of it.
I type this now, and it angers me. What I didn't know that day, the day I went in for surgery, the day he seemed so freaking annoyed at me for needing to go, that I know NOW...was that it was HER birthday.
Recovery took about a week. I was in pain, and just kind of out of it. Around this time, it's our anniversary. Our 20th anniversary. He does not even wish me a happy anniversary. He looks sad, and says, "It would be hypocritical to wish you a happy anniversary, because I know it's not."
I went out to dinner with a friend. I was so sad. I had looked forward to the big 20 for a long time.
One weekend, 2 weeks before Christmas, we went Christmas tree shopping. This is a tradition that we have had for several years. It's fun, we all argue over the tree, the boys help him cut it, our daughter just looks cute, we drink hot chocolate, we just have a blast during this tradition of ours. But not this year.
This year...after the tree was chosen, we sat at the picnic tables. I was sad. But trying to smile on for the kids. He put his arm around me, and leaned his head against my shoulder. "I'm sorry" he said. We both knew that this was probably the last time we would do this as a family of 5.
It was so sad. The tree came home, and our daughter decorated it. She tried to hang on to some spirit for all of us.
But.... I need to put out there that I didn't know why. He just kept telling me that he was not happy, not in love, it was over for him. But he STILL kept taking me to bed. I couldn't buy his, "It's over." when we were connecting in the bedroom like never before. I would ask once in a while if they had spoken or seen each other and he SWORE that it had nothing to do with her, and they had not spoken since I found out in September.
December 18th. 2 days after our anniversary... I see a tweet from her and her sister. It says, "20 years is nothing, WE know where his heart is, especially when he sends pictures like this." And it was some stupid picture of a marquee that said, "Don't fall in love, fall off a bridge, it hurts less." He was at work when I saw the tweet. I texted him, he denied it was about them, or us, or had anything to do with him and I.
(I think this is gaslighting? When someone tries to convince you you're crazy, and makes you second guess every single thing you know to be true?)
That was a Friday. Saturday night, I was still trying to talk about it. He kept saying, "Not everything in the world is about you!" So, I picked up his phone, and said, "Then let me call her and we can straighten this out." He FLIPPED out. We ended up in a scuffle, and I ended up on the floor. He ended up with his phone back.
Sunday, December 20th, he leaves early in the morning to go pick up a Christmas gift for one of the kids. When he gets back, I was making breakfast. I asked him, "Are you hungry?" He said nothing.
He got in the shower. When he got out, he still said nothing. There was something wrong. I could feel it. He went upstairs to our room to get dressed.
When he came back down, he had laundry baskets packed full of his clothes, and was heading into the bathroom to get his toiletries. I was shocked. I felt this coming, but not before Christmas!
I cried, I howled, I tried to hang on to him. I was a mess. I was a mess, and I was pathetic. He had our oldest son hold me so he could leave. He put his things in his vehicle, and as he drove away, I collapsed. I had grabbed one of his pillows. and I just collapsed in the driveway. It was cold that day, very cold. I was still in my nightgown, and there I was, laying in the cold stones on the driveway, hugging that pillow that smelled like him.
I couldn't move. I couldn't even feel the cold. I was never going to get up. I wasn't even crying.. I just laid there. My son, he said, "Mom. Please get up. It's cold, I can't feel my feet." I couldn't even answer him. I couldn't move. He just left us, 5 days before Christmas. He. Just. Left.
My son started to cry. He said, "Mom, please please get up, your legs are bare, it's so cold, you're going to get hypothermia." I still couldn't move. It sounded like his voice was coming from far away. I remember wanting to move, but I just couldn't.
He leaned down next to me and told me he was going to get his sister, and that he didn't want her to see me like this, but he would do it.
That snapped me back a little. I remember looking at him, and working my way up. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Stand up, and walk back in the house. My legs didn't work right, and I didn't know what to do.
Shock? Was I in shock? I don't know.
I knew him leaving was coming, but I didn't believe it until he actually left.
He left. 5 days before Christmas... he left. He left me, he left his kids, he left our home.
What am I going to do?
healing after the affair,
Hysterical Bonding,
the other woman,
What is love,
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